Thursday, June 21, 2012


Assalamualaikumm !

Oohh , i'm so happy happy happy happy happy. Yeah I know i'm the most ultimately happy to the maximumm human on this Earth !!

Today , i mean 21 / 6 / 2012  i'll smile and smile and smile till the day end.
Hahaha. Psycho enough huh ?
No i don't think so.

Okay okay okay enough babbling.
Actually actually actually * soooo damn this girl *
Tonight i've spent almost 2 hours to make something for him.
Ohmaiigoshh !! Superb maximum fanatic lunatic psycho this girl !!!!

The thing that I send from Malaysia direct to his Android.

Haaa ! AMBIK KAUU NYAHH. Kau nak cakap aku psycho ke apa ke , lantak la nyahh. Yang penting aku BAHAGIAAA !!   * ni aura nyah twitter ah ni datang.. shushh shusshh *

Okayy , okayy. Soo this is the thing that I mentioned before. The thing that i've been spent for few hours.
Of course i take so longgg since i'm not an artist or an art student.

And. One more left.
 p/s : and please do laugh i silent if you see my grammar like upsidedown. HAHAHAAA :DD

So , last and more ,